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Easy morning Acai

Hey all!

I'm so excited to start sharing some recipes I love. Starting simple - acai has been a long time morning favorite of mine as it 1- tastes like dessert and 2- is one of the highest anti-oxidant packed fruits you can find in the western diet.

s o m e f a c t s - - -

Acai is given the nickname of beauty berry as it's packed with a high content of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients, that help deeply nourish and revitalize the skin + overall body wellness.

Acai has a greater antioxidant content than any of the berries that are typically found in the American diet (including raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries etc.). Antioxidants also play a huge role in the body’s defense against the aging process by blocking free radical damage to our skin and other tissues.

Might as well start the day with internal and external protection like the skin and wellness queens we are.


Some favorite Toppings:

Coconut Flakes


Chia Seeds


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